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plusoft DTM's

De acordo com a Forrester Consulting, os departamentos de marketing que implementam
soluções completas de análise de dados têm 39% mais chances de melhorar a performance de suas ações. Com a crescente digitalização, o meio on-line ganha força como porta de entrada para o consumo, e amplia a necessidade de utilizar soluções que tornem as campanhas digitais mais eficientes.

With plusoft DTM'ssuite of services, brands achieve excellence at various points of contact with the customer, whether in the recommendation of segmented products, campaigns focused on geolocation or improvement in the CRM database for the launch of more assertive campaigns at any stage of the customer journey.

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Consumer goods


More than ever, the healthcare sector needs to rely on the use of technology as a means to improve its relationship with the customer.

And to offer personalized services and increase user satisfaction, industry brands need solutions that help to qualitatively organize their databases, as well as use information in the best possible way in e-mail, SMS or push notifications.

plusoft DTM has tools that help brands refine contact information and conduct more effective campaigns.


Clear and constant communication is the key to a good relationship and loyalty of the brands in the segment with their customers and partners.

plusoft DTM has solutions that help organize data and improve digital communication, through algorithms that analyze the customer's profile in order to offer a more personalized communication.


In such a competitive market, businesses that manage to understand the customer's profile are ahead in order to offer personalized solutions and understand their moment in the consumption journey, in order to get in touch at the best time and through the best channel.

With plusoft DTM solutions, and the support of our team specialized in data sciences, retailers are able to organize their immense information base in a qualitative way, applying the insights generated in the creation of campaigns that encourage sales, recommend products of interest to the user and help delight the customer.


The big challenge for industries in the sector is to provide satisfactory service while looking for opportunities to offer value-added services that help with profits.

plusoft DTM has solutions that deeply analyze companies' databases in order, through demographic and interest crossings, to identify audiences with a higher probability of conversion and send communications that offer them at the best time and through the best channel.


Identifying opportunities to offer new services or packages based on customer profiles is part of the routine of financial institutions. And this job is much simpler and more efficient with the use of plusoft DTM solutions.

Count on our analysis tools and the support of a specialized team to organize your databases, segment profiles and indicate which campaigns will be most effective for certain audiences, based on aspects such as demographics and personal interests.


For companies in the sector looking to expand repurchase and customer loyalty, plusoft DTM has solutions that analyze databases to look for patterns of behavior that indicate a greater likelihood of interest in another service offered by the brand.

With the audience defined, the CRM Suite takes action to identify which channel and format each user prefers to be contacted, increasing the chances of interest.

Consumer goods

With a massive entry into digital commerce through their own virtual stores, companies in the sector need solutions that encourage the repurchase of items and help to retain users, in order to ensure recurrence in the online environment.

With solutions such as the recommendation system and the CRM Suite, together with the advanced analysis work carried out by our team, consumer goods companies can count on plusoft DTM as a strategic partner to expand and consolidate their performance in electronic sales .


In a market with a demand for service in the tens of millions of customers, having an organized database with up-to-date data makes all the difference in offering an improved service.

plusoft DTM solutions organize the collection of information generated daily by customers, allowing for more accurate identification of users and offering excellent support.


plusoft DTM solutions help companies in the sector to digitize their internal processes.

Through the support of a team specialized in data science and tools developed to make the best use of the information collected, it is possible to identify sales opportunities, flag products or services that may interest customers and promote actions that help in the implementation of changes that increase the quality of service and customer loyalty.


Establishing a continuous communication flow between the institution and its students has always been a challenge for companies in the sector.

Fortunately, this scenario is manageable by investing in database analysis and campaign segmentation solutions such as those from plusoft DTM, which allow the use of quality data and the triggering of campaigns through each student's preferred channel.


O RH moderno exige desenvolvimento em 3 pilares: 

  1. ser estratégico e propositivo para a empresa, deixando de ser apenas uma área fornecedora;
  2. disseminar a cultura da empresa entre todos os colaboradores, fortalecendo os valores e uniformizando conhecimento;
  3. engajar os colaboradores, ouvindo e reagindo às necessidades percebidas, de forma a garantir eficiência e bem-estar


As áreas e agências de Marketing contam com uma solução completa para a utilização de análise e mineração de dados em suas campanhas. Com a plusoft DTM, as marcas do setor contam com uma solução que trata a base de dados, personaliza as ofertas de e-mail marketing e oferta pesquisas de fidelização. 

Features of the Health segment

Data structuring
Integrate the diverse knowledge bases to expand your marketing campaigns
Competitive intelligence
Conduct market research to identify your brand's differentials and points for improvement
Offer products or services of interest based on each user's history
Strategic geolocation
Develop targeted campaigns based on determined by regions of a city
Pesquisa de satisfação e NPS
Colete avalições dos clientes e acompanhe a taxa de fidelização da marca

Features of the services segment

Data structuring
Integrate the diverse knowledge bases to expand your marketing campaigns
Statistical analysis
Conduct a quantitative diagnosis of databases to identify patterns of behavior
Strategic insights
Transform data into knowledge by applying analytics learned in business strategy
Qualitative Studies
Analyze your database to extract analysis that helps to improve the service
Pesquisa de satisfação e NPS
Colete avalições dos clientes e acompanhe a taxa de fidelização da marca

Retail segment features

Data structuring
Integrate the diverse knowledge bases to expand your marketing campaigns
Competitive intelligence
Conduct market research to identify your brand's differentials and points for improvement
CRM Intelligence
Machine learning algorithms for customer segmentation to optimize results
Offer Engine and Marketing Automation
Build custom storefronts with customer-specific offers and develop a seamless omnichannel relationship ruler
Loyalty campaigns
Create, manage and improve your customer loyalty program
Strategic geolocation
Develop targeted campaigns based on determined by regions of a city
Pesquisa de satisfação e NPS
Colete avalições dos clientes e acompanhe a taxa de fidelização da marca

Features of the Telecommunications segment

Data enrichment
Our tools aggregate new data and consolidate lead information
Insights for the business
Conduct market research to identify your brand's differentials and points for improvement
Strategic geolocation
Develop targeted campaigns based on determined by regions of a city
Integrate information
Integrate the diverse knowledge bases to expand your marketing campaigns
Pesquisa de satisfação e NPS
Colete avalições dos clientes e acompanhe a taxa de fidelização da marca

Features of the Financial segment

Data enrichment
Our tools add new data and consolidate lead information
Strategic insights
Conduct market research to identify your brand's differentials and points for improvement
Quantitative Studies
Analyze your database to extract insights that help amplify customer relationships.
Develop targeted campaigns based on determined by regions of a city
Pesquisa de satisfação e NPS
Colete avalições dos clientes e acompanhe a taxa de fidelização da marca

Insurance segment features

Integrate information
Unifique as diversas bases de conhecimento para otimizar as campanhas de marketing
Data enrichment
Our tools add new data and consolidate lead information
Segmentation by area
Develop targeted campaigns based on determined by regions of a city
Quantitative Studies
Analyze your database to extract insights that help amplify customer relationships.
Scores atuariais
Modelos estatísticos de inteligência artificial combinando diferentes variáveis para apoiar tomada de decisão
Customize recommendations
Offer products or services of interest based on each user's history
Pesquisa de satisfação e NPS
Colete avalições dos clientes e acompanhe a taxa de fidelização da marca

Features of the Consumer Goods segment

Strategic geolocation
Develop targeted campaigns based on determined by regions of a city
Data enrichment
Our tools add new data and consolidate lead information
Invista na fidelização
Create, manage and improve your customer loyalty program
Customize recommendations
Use our recommendation system to increase the assertiveness in the offers
Pesquisa de satisfação e NPS
Colete avalições dos clientes e acompanhe a taxa de fidelização da marca

Features of the Utilities segment

Data structuring
Integrate the diverse knowledge bases to expand your marketing campaigns
Improve your campaigns
Perform statistical modeling to identify more adherent profiles according to the campaign
Customize recommendations
Offer products or services of interest based on each user's history
Integrate information
Unifique diversas bases de conhecimento para otimizar as campanhas de marketing
Pesquisa de satisfação e NPS
Colete avalições dos clientes e acompanhe a taxa de fidelização da marca

Features of the Agribusiness segment

Data structuring
Integrate the diverse knowledge bases to expand your marketing campaigns
Competitive intelligence
Conduct market research to identify your brand's differentials and points for improvement
Strategic geolocation
Develop targeted campaigns based on determined by regions of a city
Customize recommendations
Offer products or services of interest based on each user's history
Pesquisa de satisfação e NPS
Colete avalições dos clientes e acompanhe a taxa de fidelização da marca

Features of the Education segment

Data structuring
Integrate the diverse knowledge bases to expand your marketing campaigns
Competitive intelligence
Conduct market research to identify your brand's differentials and points for improvement
Qualitative Studies
Analyze your database to extract analysis that helps to improve the service
Offer products or services of interest based on each user's history
Pesquisa de satisfação e NPS
Colete avalições dos clientes e acompanhe a taxa de fidelização da marca

Features do segmento de RH

Gestão de campanhas
Campanhas dedicadas exclusivamente ao RH, disparando comunicações segmentadas por cargo, área e qualquer dado pessoal do colaborador, por qualquer canal
Comunicações automáticas
Comunicações automáticas de acordo com o ciclo de vida do colaborador (fluxo de onboarding e offboarding, mudanças de área e/ ou função, premiações etc)
Pesquisas segmentadas
Dispare pesquisas on-line segmentadas com tabulação automática de resultados
Dashboards estratégicos
Tenha informações analíticas sobre a equipe, com estatísticas por departamento, área, cargo e função
Segmentação da base de colaboradores
Identifique os melhores perfis demográficos e comportamentais para cada função, considerando histórico de tempo de empresa, performance e avaliações periódicas
Pesquisa de clima
Entenda as questões dos colaboradores por área, departamento, cargo ou geografia e os pontos de melhoria
Comparativo de indicadores
Realize o comparativo de indicadores de performance, engajamento e satisfação dos colaboradores por área/departamento
Reestruturação por feedback
Proponha ações corretivas ou reestruturações baseadas no feedback dos colaboradores, melhorando engajamento, performance e clima organizacional
Pesquisas de operações
Entenda o que está acontecendo naquele exato momento na operação, utilizando pesquisas curtas, respondidas imediatamente pelos colaboradores
Strategic insights
Analise sua base de dados para extrair insights que ajudam no relacionamento com o colaborador

Features do segmento de Marketing

Atualização contínua
Acesse as mais recentes de cada lead sem temer duplicação de dados
Data strategy
Analise sua base de dados e reúna informações que o facilitem o envio de campanhas para audiências qualificadas
Ofertas geolocalizadas
Promova campanhas com foco em audiências de determinadas regiões da cidade
Offer Engine and Marketing Automation
Crie ofertas personalizadas para cada cliente e aumente as chances de conversão

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