From beauty salons and urban mobility apps to condominium administrators and travel agencies, the service sector is possibly the broadest of all.
With so many companies like this, many offering the same service to the same audience, this means that competition is also extremely fierce. Therefore, acquiring customers, keeping them engaged, and retaining them are the biggest challenges faced by companies in the sector.
Plusoft’s solutions are tailored to help attract leads, transform them into customers, and once this conversion is complete, keep these customers engaged and satisfied through consistent and high-quality interactions, personalized service, and quick problem resolution.
Count on Plusoft’s solutions to offer the best possible journey for your customers!
Plusoft understands the needs of the service sector and has the right solutions to help your company meet them.

When it comes to service, Plusoft OMNI CRM allows your company to centralize multiple channels on a single platform, facilitating the creation of a 360-degree customer journey. In addition, by integrating Plusoft AI and Plusoft Social, you have bots that enable self-service and social media monitoring.
Personalization is another very important factor in this sector and that counts a lot when it comes to retaining and retaining the customer. And through our Plusoft MKT Suíte solution, you can implement recommendation systems based on the customer’s behavior and history, adopting artificial intelligence to predict needs and improve personalization.
Here are just a few of the solutions Plusoft offers to turn your customer’s journey into the best possible experience.
For them and your company.
Here are some of the Services sector clients served by Plusoft.

De bots que otimizam processos e facilitam o autosserviço a plataformas de Marketing que ajudam a reter e fidelizar o cliente, as soluções da Plusoft são feitas sob medida para o setor de Serviços.
To learn more about each of our solutions in detail, click below.
Get in touch with us and schedule a meeting right now.
We’d love to assist you!
- +55 11 5091.2777
- Av. das Nações Unidas, 12995 - 32º andar Cidade Monções, São Paulo - SP, 04533-085